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We have tinkered with many classics in the Author kitchen over the years in an attempt to enjoy the finer things while still maintaining our well oiled machines. We must say this date cheese cake is the jewel in the crown and leaves all of our other creations in its wake, even your anti-health food buddies will bend the knee after their first bite. Don't believe us? Only one way to find out....




125g unsalted butter (melted)

125g sugar free biscuits 

125g ground almonds


375g ricotta cheese

250g cream cheese

1 egg

1&1/4 cups of dates

3 Tbs vanilla essence 

Cinnamon to dust 


1. Mix all base ingredients until a loose dough is formed.

2. Press mix into a greased and lined spring formed cake dish, leave in the fridge for 30 minutes to firm up. At this stage turn your fan forced oven onto 150 degrees C.

3. In a food processor blitz the dates to break them up and then add the rest of the filling ingredients, mix until all is very well combined into a smooth cream. If you don't have a food processor make sure you finely chop the dates before forming your mix.

4. Pour your filling over the base and cook in the oven for 50 minutes or until the top is starting to brown. Cool and dust with cinnamon.

5. Enjoy.

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