Slow Cooked Lamb Shanks

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4 Lamb Shanks

1 Large Brown onion

2 Carrots

3 Cloves of Garlic

2 Large Sweet Potatoes 

1 Bunch of broccolini 

1 cup of Red Wine (Save the rest of the bottle for dinner)

2 Tins of peeled tomatoes 

500ml of Beef Stock 


Salt & Pepper




1. Preheat to medium and add a dash of oil to a large pan. Season lamb shanks with salt and pepper and transfer lamb shanks to frying pan and cook for approx 5 minutes or until brown all overThis will seal the lamb shanks before you transfer them to the slow cooker. Once brown remove and add to slow cooker.

2. Keeping the same pan throw in chopped garlic and onion to brown off. Add red wine to pan and let simmer, after 2-3mins add chopped carrots and tin tomatoes. Crush peeled tomatoes with wooden spoon and continue to simmer for 5mins. 

3. Add pan ingredients to the slow cooker and add beef stock. Make sure lamb is completely covered. You may not need all 500ml of the Beef stock depending on the size of your slow cooker. Turn slow cooker onto high and cook for 6 hours or low for 8-10 hours.

4. Steam sweet potato and mash to your liking, add butter to mash if desired. Add broccolini to steamer and steam to liking.

5. Serve desired portion of lamb over mashed sweet potato and broccolini.

Enjoy with left over red wine.

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